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We have seen God working through many different contacts with churches, pastors, and non-profit ministries.  We look back and wonder how we did it?

Only one answer suffices, God gave us favor and opened doors!

We are happy to report the following:            2017      2018    2019      2020

Churches consulted/trained/helped:                 35          42        34            16
Bible study groups started:                                  34          32        30            25
Decisions for Christ recorded:                            23          55        142          28
People we have trained:                                      254        335      226           151

Red Books sold/distributed:                             2,462     1,884     487         345  

Bibles given away                                                                                                97

Compassion ministry to families                                                                    27

New missions/ministries supported                                                                1

Children’s backpacks distributed                                                 500           400

Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Arabic, Vietnamese.

Countries impacted include: Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Brazil, Middle East, Africa and United States.

In addition to these statistics, we are contributing to the monthly financial support of three missionary families:

A church planting effort in northern Colorado, USA,

A church planting team in the “Heart of Darkness” in central Mexico,

A family working in a closed country in the 10/40 window.