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All over northern Louisiana there are segments of people who are unreached and underserved with the gospel. Whether it’s an apartment complex, mobile home park, assisted living facility, or even an ethnic group, the needs are real. Live Life on Mission is about going where the people are to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

The world has come to our doorstep! Presently there are people from more than 20 different language groups living across northern Louisiana. From Toledo Bend to the Mississippi River, Hispanics alone number well over 20,000 and the number is growing.

Many churches simply do not have the tools necessary to connect to them. Live Life on Mission helps churches develop compassion ministry opportunities like ESL classes, food distribution, clothing, shelter, transportation, and job connections. These ministries become bridges that help establish trust and opportunities to offer the hope of Jesus Christ. We have found that most folks don’t care what you have to say until they know that you CARE about them.

Live Life on Mission utilizes homes, conference rooms, porches, and shade trees to gather people for the purpose of making disciples. As missional groups are formed, they are trained to multiply their influence among their neighbors. These new missional communities are connected to existing churches wherever possible. If no connection is possible, new churches are formed. Our mission is to “Advance God’s kingdom by mobilizing disciples to make disciples by planting missional communities that become multiplying, missional churches locally and globally.”

Our Mission Statement

 “Advancing God’s kingdom by mobilizing disciples who make disciples and planting missional communities that become multiplying, missional churches locally and globally.”